Chladni Patterns ()
- Tools: Python
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import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def chlandni_func(
x: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
m: float = 1,
n: float = 1,
a: float = 1,
b: float = 1,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Chlandni function
x (np.ndarray): X array
y (np.ndarray): Y array
m (float, optional): m parameter. Defaults to 1.
n (float, optional): n parameter. Defaults to 1.
a (float, optional): a parameter. Defaults to 1.
b (float, optional): b parameter. Defaults to 1.
np.ndarray: Output array
return abs(
a * np.sin(np.pi * n * x) * np.sin(np.pi * m * y)
+ b * np.sin(np.pi * m * x) * np.sin(np.pi * n * y)
def min_max_scaling(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Min-Max scaling
array (np.ndarray): Array
np.ndarray: Min-Max Scaled array
min_val = np.min(array)
max_val = np.max(array)
return (array - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
def chlandni(
width: int = 512,
height: int = 512,
m: float = 1,
n: float = 1,
a: float = 1,
b: float = 1,
) -> np.ndarray:
width (int, optional): Img width. Defaults to 512.
height (int, optional): Img height. Defaults to 512.
m (float, optional): m parameter. Defaults to 1.
n (float, optional): n parameter. Defaults to 1.
a (float, optional): a parameter. Defaults to 1.
b (float, optional): b parameter. Defaults to 1.
np.ndarray: Output array
shape = (height, width)
x, y = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, shape[1]),
np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, shape[0]),
results = chlandni_func(x, y, m=m, n=n, a=a, b=b)
results = abs(min_max_scaling(results) - 1) # Inversion
results = results**10 # Contrast
# Simple sand effect
random_array = np.random.random(shape)
results = np.where(random_array > 0.65, random_array, 0) * results
return (min_max_scaling(results) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
if __name__ == "__main__":
output = chlandni(m=3, n=2, a=-1.29, b=2.26)
plt.imshow(output, cmap="gray")