Rhino tools ()
- Tools: Python, RhinoScript
- Source code: https://github.com/vec2pt/rhino-tools
A series of simple scripts for Rhino 3D.
Drop script files to the directory:
for macOS:
/Users/HOME/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Scripts
for Windows:
Run script via command:
! _-RunPythonScript ScriptName
- EditScriptAtom.py - Edit a Python script in Atom.app. (macOS)
- ExportLayersStructure.py - Save layers settings to a json file.
- FilamentCalculator.py - 3D Printing filament length, weight, volume calculator.
- ImportLayersStructure.py - Import layers settings into the current document from a json file.
- IsolateLayers.py - Isolate layers by hiding layers.
- NewPart.py - Create a ‘New Part’ layer as a sublayer of ‘30_3D’. (Personal Rhino standards)
- NewScriptAtom.py - Create a new Python script in Atom.app for Rhino. (macOS)
- SaveCopy.py - Save a copy of the current Rhino file.
- unisolateLayers.py - Unisolate layers by unhiding layers.
- VolumeLiters.py - Report the volume in Litres of closed surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.
Distributed under the MIT License.