Projects Space Invaders Generator [sketch] Floor plan GAN [neural_network] shapely-polyskel (polyskel fork) [software] TilesSystem24 [sketch] Bytebeat [sketch] Truchet tiles [sketch] OpenSimplex Flow Fields [sketch] Chladni Patterns [sketch] Touch MIDI Keyboard C1 [hardware] MIDI Keyboard M1 [hardware] Image Glitcher [sketch] Minipops [hardware] Gray-Scott Model [sketch] Dynamo Custom Nodes [dynamo] Conway's Game Of Life [software] Atari Punk Console with LFO [hardware] Dual Atari Punk Console [hardware] Tic-Tac-Toe (Rhino) [rhinoscript] [game] SCH Oscillator [sketch] Times table [sketch] Grasshopper serial communication nodes [grasshopper] Grid06 [sketch] Minesweeper (Rhino) [rhinoscript] [game] Spirograph [sketch] Harmonograph 2D [sketch]